Join moderators, Marc R. Avram, MD, FISHRS and Aman Dua, MBBS, MD, FISHRS in General Session 1 to learn and discuss some great topics with our expert faculty at #ISHRS2022.
Here is a preview of General Session 1:
Dr. Peter Panagotacos will present all of the major advances in hair restoration over the last 50 years and will touch on what is to come in cloning and gene therapy.
Dr. Georgios Zontos will share his experience with how the non-shaven FUE technique using a 0.85 mm flared punch proved to be very efficient in accelerating the harvesting process and decreasing the transection rate, while maintaining patients’ hair style.
Last year’s program chair, Dr. Marie Schambach, knows that to master an advanced technique like preview-long hair FUE requires A LOT of practice. She will share her “Tips, Tricks and Treasures Found to Improve and Master Preview-Long-Hair FUE.”
Dr. Humayun Mohmand, will share his perspective on how to be a well-balanced hair restorative surgeon one needs to be trained properly in linear Scar Strip Surgery along with FUE.
The Strip Excision occipital donor harvesting technique is an efficient and effective procedure that has been used for over 30 years. Dr. Bradley Wolf will describe how when it is performed by a properly trained physician it remains a viable option for hair restoration in the appropriately chosen candidate.
Dr. Vikram Jayaprakash will discuss how surgeons must slow down, and not sacrifice accuracy and artistry for speed, in order to maximize patient outcomes.
Dr. Sharon Keene will present on the 5-step donor harvesting procedure, the Follicular Unit Excision-Linear Ellipse (FUE-LE) procedure.
The end of the session will include plenty for discussion and questions between the faculty and audience members.
In-person and on-demand options available.