ISHRS 2022 Basics Course

Date: Wednesday/October 26, 2022
Time: 8:00AM-5:00PM
Fee: $695 USD
Level: Beginner (Physician Only)

Chair: Jennifer Krejci, MD | USA
Co-Chair: Otavio Boaventura, MD | Brazil


Kavish Chouhan, MD | India
Sharon A. Keene, MD, FISHRS | USA
Moonkyu Kim, MD, PhD, FISHRS | South Korea
Francisco Le Voci, MD | Brazil
Emorane Lupanzula, MD | Belgium
Maria Angelica Muricy, MD | Brazil
Nina Otberg, MD | Germany
Jae Hyun Park, MD, PhD | South Korea
Henrique N. Radwanski, MD | Brazil
Rene A. Rodriguez, MD | Colombia
Paul T. Rose, MD, JD, FISHRS | USA
Ronald L. Shapiro, MD, FISHRS | USA
Marie A. Schambach, FISHRS, MD | Guatemala
Christine Shaver, MD | USA
Meena Singh, MD | USA
Anastasios Vekris, MD | Greece
Alan Wells, MD | Brazil

Course Description:
The 2022 Basics Course is an ideal opportunity for newcomers to learn the fundamentals of Hair Restoration from experts with vast experience, and also for seasoned physicians in the field of Hair Restoration Surgery who want to build upon skills in their current medical practice. The Basics Course includes a full day of didactics: including lectures, videos, hands-on workstations, case presentations and panel discussions covering the essentials of hair restoration surgery.

The course is structured to provide sufficient time during the lectures to ask questions and engage the experts in discussions about the information covered. The workstations are held in small groups, allowing for more extended conversations with experts on any subject matter needing clarification. Participants will also receive a copy of the lectures and key articles for independent study after the course.

Our international faculty will offer an overview of all aspects of patient care from initial consultation, diagnosis, medical treatment, and patient selection to donor harvesting methods, artistry of male and female hairline design, incision site making techniques and graft insertion strategies. Several lectures are devoted to the critical business aspect of hair restoration including staff training, photography and marketing.

The panel discussions during the final segment of the course allow for collegial dialogue between the experts and course participants in regards to any of the day’s topics. Participants are encouraged to ask questions about any treatment approach, equipment or technique taught throughout the day. The course will be delivered in a welcoming and relaxed environment, where new friendships can be established with other participants and faculty.

Registration for this course includes access to the ISHRS Basics Bundle.

PRECAUTION NOTE: This workshop will utilize sharps.

ATTIRE AND LOUPES: Scrubs are not required. Necessary disposable coverings will be provided, including standard disposable latex gloves. If you have an allergy to latex or glove powder, then bring several sets of your own gloves. Bring your own set of loupes.

Hands-on Work Stations:

Station 1: Female & Male Hairline Design
Participants will learn the elements essential to creating a natural hairline for both men and women and be able to counsel patients regarding what will look most appropriate as they possibly lose more hair. Participants will also learn the basics of recreating crown whorls, while prioritizing the areas of the scalp that are most important to transplant, and the pitfalls that should be avoided.

Station 2: Linear Strip Harvesting
Participants will be taught to Identify or predict what comprises a safe donor area: a fundamental skill in hair transplant surgery. Students will also learn how to estimate the graft yield, as well as how to plan and harvest a donor strip while minimizing follicle transection. Techniques to improve scarring and potential complications will be discussed. Advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of this method will be emphasized.

Station 3: FUE Harvesting
Participants will learn basic concepts of Follicular Unit Extraction including patient selection, approach to FUE harvest, assessing graft quality and nuances of different FUE devices. Students will be taught how to estimate donor area yield during initial and future procedures, how to perform proper excision & extraction technique and to manage common FUE challenges. Advantages, disadvantages and limitations of this method will be emphasized.

Station 4: Graft Preparation in FUT
This station will introduce participants to the essential elements of optimal strip FUT graft preparation including slivering the donor strip, isolation of follicular unit grafts, and the use of microscopy, loupes, lighting, and ergonomics to maximize efficiency and minimize staff fatigue. By working closely with the experienced faculty, students will be able to identify the characteristics of the ideal graft and recognize the key elements necessary for graft survival which is important for both FUT and FUE.

Station 5: Recipient Site Making and Graft Placement
Participants will learn the correct angle, depth, and direction for the majority of hairline patterns. They will also gain an understanding of the differences between the various site creation devices, implantation by forceps vs. implanters and be able to choose the appropriate instrument for the graft being transplanted. Emphasis will be placed on managing common recipient site challenges and maximizing density for the patient.

Course Outline

Introduction and Overview
Jennifer Krejci, MD | USA – Course Chair
Otavio Boaventura, MD | Brazil – Course Co-Chair

Diagnosing Hair Loss: Androgenic x Others
Meena Singh, MD | USA

Androgenic Alopecia: Medical Treatment
Jennifer Krejci, MD | USA

Scalp and Hair Anatomy
Otavio Boaventura, MD | Brazil

Donor Assessment and Surgical Planning
Emorane Lupanzula, MD | Belgium

Alan Wells, MD I Brazil

Questions & Answers (and coffee break)

Choosing FUE x FUT, When Not to Do Surgery
Christine Shaver, MD | USA

Different Devices and Punches in FUE
Carlos Calixto, MD | Brazil

Getting Started 1- Staff training, Photography, Do’s Don’ts
Kavish Chouhan, MD | India

Getting Started 2 – Setting up Hair Restoration Practice, Marketing
Anastasios Vekris, MD | Greece

Questions & Answers

Transition to first station

Station Rotation 1

Lunch with faculty

Station Rotation 2

Station Rotation 3

Station Rotation 4

Station Rotation 5

Case Discussions
Jennifer Krejci, MD | USA – Course Chair
Otavio Boaventura, MD | Brazil – Course Co-Chair

Questions & Answers, Panel Discussion, and Conclusion